Science &
Tech Fund

News & Events

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanksgiving Food Drive


We have so many things to be grateful forhere at NDBG. Please share your blessings and be generous as we collect food to distibute  through St. Paul's food pantry for those less fortunate.  Food collection begins tomorrow November  13 th. ...

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Did you know you can submit pictures for the 2019/2020 yearbook right from your phone?

The Yearbook staff is always on the prowl for pictures of all the things that make our community so memorable. Download the Replayit app or add your pictures to the yearbook webpage. This is your yearbook. Show us your pictures!...

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Middle School Activity Night

Middle School Activity Night


Middle School activity night this Saturday  November 16. Come on over for snacks, music,and fun.  $5.00 at the door and ALL procceds goes to Adopt a Family drive....

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Winter Sports Begin Nov 11 - Click here for more information

Winter Sports Begin Nov 11 - Click here for more information


On Nov. 11th, winter sports begin for the following sports:

Varsity Bowling:

Depending on how many students come out will determine if we have both JV and Varsity

Open to grades 7-12

All home matches and practices are at Sportsman Bowl

Practice Monday 11/11 is 2-4pm


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Beauty and the Beast at NDBG

Beauty and the Beast at NDBG


Come be a part of a tale as old as time.. Join our NDBG thespians as they present Beauty and the Beast November 7-9 at 7 pm. ...

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Secondary School Fairs

Secondary School Fairs


In just one evening, you can meet with representatives from all over the Catholic secondary schools in the Albany Diocese: Academy of the Holy Names, Bishop Maginn High School, Catholic Central High School, Christian Brothers Academy, La Salle Institute, Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons School and Saratoga Central Catholic School.


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Financial Aid Seminar with Siena College

Financial Aid Seminar with Siena College


Informational seminar offered by Mr. South and the Siena College. Important ins and outs of the financial aid process...

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Best of the Best!

Best of the Best!


     The Daily Gazette conducted an online contest to see what their readers thought was the Best of the Best. Notre Dame Bishop Gibbons is honored to be considered among the BEST in the area....

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Golden Gallop Walk for Education - Oct. 11


On Friday, Oct. 11, our students will take part in our annual "Golden Gallop Walk for Education" beginning with breakfast in homeroom at 8 a.m. Students will begin the 5k route at 9 a.m., walking through a part of the Woodlawn neighborhood, ending at school and dismissal at 11:15 a.m. Our Golden Gallop goal this year is $25,000. All proceeds from t...

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Join the ND-BG Art Club!

Join the ND-BG Art Club!



Every Tuesday

2:45-4:00 pm

Beginning September 17th

You do not have to be in an art class to join!  Stop by the art classroom to put your name on the sign-up sheet....

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