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News & Events

ND-BG Voted Best of the Best

ND-BG Voted Best of the Best


Notre Dame Bishop Gibbons has once again been voted the Best of the Best in the Daily Gazette poll of their readers. This marks our FOURTH consecutive year as a winner and we couldn't be more proud!...

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We congratulate the ND-BG Class of 2022

We congratulate the ND-BG Class of 2022


They received over 9 million dollars in scholarships and grants....

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ND-BG Alum Tapped to be New York Lieutenant Governor

ND-BG Alum Tapped to be New York Lieutenant Governor


Notre Dame - Bishop Gibbons is so proud of Class of 1995 graduate Antonio Delgado being named the Lieutenant Govenor of New Your State. A well liked member of our school community, Antonio was gifted in both the classroom and the basketball courts leading ND-BG to a championship season in 1994. After graduation he went on to attend Colgate Universi...

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Share with us how important Fr. Leo is to you

Share with us how important Fr. Leo is to you


As we celebrate Fr. Leo's 60th anniversary of ordination, we're compiling a book of all the reasons he's so special to our community. Please take a moment and send your thoughts to Mrs. Harrigan. We will present these remarks to Fr. Leo on Ascension Thursday after Mass....

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Pat Moran Recognized as Section II Coach of the Year

Pat Moran Recognized as Section II Coach of the Year


Our Coach Patrick Moran, ND-BG Athletic Director and Girl's Varsity Basketball Coach has been honored with the 2022 Section II Girl's Basketball Sportsmanship Award. Section II is the governing body of the NYSPHSAA and a Coach is honored in each sport for their commitment to the ideals of sportsmanship.

Mr. Moran is a 1994 Alumni and has be...

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Anonymous Donor to NDBG

Anonymous Donor to NDBG


On Monday March 21, Notre Dame Bishop Gibbons was the recipient of an anonymous donation to our Annual Fund of $7,500. There was no information with the donation. We are taking this time as a community to say THANK YOU to this selfless generous donor. Please know your gift will be used to support our students here in school....

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Hannaford Helps Schools

Hannaford Helps Schools


Hannaford Helps Schools has opened for the school year. Now through May 28, if you purchase any one of 15,000 specifically marked products you will  earn dollars for our school. There is a envelope at the Niskayuna store or you can send your certificates to school marked Hannaford. Help our school reach $1000 in donated dollars from Hannaford....

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Schenectady Hibernians Golf Tournament to benefit NDBG Scholarship Funds

Schenectady Hibernians Golf Tournament to benefit NDBG Scholarship Funds


It's time to grab your 3 favorite friends and make plans to join the Hibernians and Notre Dame Bishop Gibbons and register for the Hibernians / NDBG Golf Tournament to benefit the students at our school. The tournament will be held at Schenectady Muni on Friday June 10. Hurry, this is limited to 120 golfers....

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COVID Protocols Update - 3/2/22

COVID Protocols Update - 3/2/22


March 2, 2022

Dear ND-BG Community,

As you are aware, the statewide universal mask mandate for schools was lifted as of today, March 2, 2022. This means that the majority of students, staff and school visitors are no longer required to wear a mask in our school buildings or school buses. Of course, mask wearing continues to be optio...

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NDBG Students help Safe House Schenectady

NDBG Students help Safe House Schenectady


For Catholic School's Week the school community came together to collect supplies to help those dealing with homelessness. Working with Safe House in Schenectady we collected supplies such as snacks, socks, hand sanitizer, etc to help those that could use some extra help. ...

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