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Mid-Year Tuition Raffle Reminder


Mid-Year Tuition Raffle Reminder

As you know, each family has a fundraising goal of at least $300. By offering various fundraising options my goal is to help each family meet their obligation. 

The next fundraiser on the horizon is our mid-year tuition raffle. This is an opportunity to sell tickets to win free tuition from February until June 2020.

PLUS -- each ticket sold goes to reduce your fundraising obligation. The drawing will be held on Friday, January 31, 2020. The tickets are attached to this letter. I can’t wait to see all the names in the spinning drum and see who will win!

You can download ticket sheets which can be dropped off at the Main Office, here.

As I’ve said before, I know the choice you make to send your student to NDBG. As an alum, I know the lessons I learned here opened doors for me throughout my life. As the mother of three alumi, I can see how the education they received here has impacted them in college and beyond.

Fundraising IS a challenge, but I know that working together we can meet our goals this year.

I hope to hear from you. Thanks so much for your continued support.

Mickie McGuinness Baldwin ‘84

Director of Development

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