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Update on Fourth Quarter Grading From Mr. Jones


Update on Fourth Quarter Grading From Mr. Jones

May 11, 2020

Dear Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons School Students and Families:

We truly miss being with your children each and every day. During these unprecedented times, I am truly inspired by the ND-BG community and the resilience of so many who are facing challenges like never before.  I appreciate your patience, perseverance, and your understanding as we work alongside each other to navigate these circumstances.

Our teachers are continuing to work together to provide resources and instruction for learning while students are at home. We recognize that students and families are dealing with an incredibly stressful and challenging period.  Remote learning will continue for students in grades six through eleven until June 19th.  Remote learning for our seniors will continue through June 12th.  Due to the unprecedented nature of our school closing we will not be administering final exams this year.  The only exception would be students who are enrolled in University in the High School (UHS), College in the High School (CHS), and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.   

As we continue in the fourth and final quarter it becomes even more critical that your child complete their assignments on time.  Any student failing a course at the end of the fourth quarter will be put on an academic contract and they will be required to make up any missing assignments for fourth quarter.  Students who fail multiple classes for the year may also be at risk of not returning to ND-BG for next school year.  If at any time you need support with any of the remote learning assignments, please reach out to your child’s teacher. 


You will also soon notice in PowerSchool that we are beginning to use a new grading rubric for assignments in elective classes such as Gym, Art, and Music for the fourth quarter.  Please see the rubric for elective class assignments below:


  • C – Complete (Evidence of Learning): A student has demonstrated learning of curriculum based on what was taught or assigned. (Grade of 65% and above)
  • CH- Complete (Evidence of Learning) with Honors: A student has demonstrated learning of curriculum based on what was taught or assigned with a distinction of academic excellence. (Grade of 90% and above)
  • I – Incomplete (Not Yet Learned): Student has not completed assignment or work completed does not yet demonstrate learning of the curriculum.


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